so beautifully arranged on a plate

Confession: I don't like rice. And yes, I purposely waited to post this until the end of my trip. For years, people have been baffled by my adamant disgust with the grain. "Hope you never plan to go to Asia!" they'd say. Or when finding out, why yes, I did plan to go to Asia, … Continue reading so beautifully arranged on a plate

you have to leave to really miss a place

If Seattle and I could make a deal that it always be 80 degrees and gorgeous when I get back into town, that'd be great. It's no surprise I wasn't ready to come home this weekend. My three-and-a-half weeks away were a whirlwind of awesome, and I felt like I didn't even get close to … Continue reading you have to leave to really miss a place

i walked a million miles while everyone was asleep

(I'm overwhelmed by the amount of emails and messages I've received about yesterday's post. Thank you all for your kind words, and I'm passing the good wishes onto my friends who need support and love right now.) My trip to Hong Kong has been filled with work, typhoons and sightseeing. Many of you know I've always been a … Continue reading i walked a million miles while everyone was asleep